All Categories > Financial
6 articles
Overview totals. This page gives you an overview of all revenue streams and a general idea of which amounts are still open and which have already been paid. You can also export this list to Excel by…
Updated 2 years ago by Amber De Smet
Every club needs income to keep it running. This revenue can come from fans (through tickets) but also from club members (through membership fees, clothing, participation in activities,...). This rev…
Updated 2 years ago by Niels Mosselmans
After creating your revenue stream you can send payment requests to your club members. By clicking on the revenue stream in the left-hand table, you will see a table on the right-hand side showing al…
When you work with online payments via ProSoccerData as a club, your members can pay the payment request themselves via PSD. Otherwise this function will not be active and the person in charge will h…
When you click on a club member you get an overview of the payments of this person. You will see the details of the invoice, but also the payments that have already been made. In the 'History' sectio…
Determine how much allowance the staff members receive per training session or game and register the payments. How are the number of performances determined? A training session or game is considered…