This page will give you an overview of all the videos uploaded in the Video library. You can sort the videos by upload date, date of video or length of video. If desired, you can also choose to see more or fewer videos on 1 page. In addition, the videos can also be displayed in a list.

On the left side, you can start filtering based on a content type, team, club, player, video category or type to refine the search. In addition, you can also use the 'Quick Search' function to search for a specific video. It is also possible to save the filters of your current search in order to be able to use standardized search filters in the future. Every user with access to the video library can create and save personal filters by clicking on the green 'Save Filter' button.
Uploading a video
For more information on uploading a video click here.
Create new playlist
For more information on creating a new playlist click here.
Video plan
For more information on your club platform's video plan click here.