Add administrative data of players & staff members

Updated by Niels Mosselmans

It is possible to add, edit or delete certain administrative data of players and staff members through the mobile app. Via 'My club', you can click on 'My team' and then click through to a player or staff member. By clicking on the pencil icon at the top right, you can add, edit or delete data.


In this tab, you can add a profile picture of the player or staff member. To do this, click on the pencil in the centre of the circle that is empty or where there is already a picture. You now have the choice of taking a new photo or selecting one from your library. In addition, you can also delete an existing profile picture. Furthermore, you can also add or change the date of birth and enter the player's preferred foot in this tab.

Contact info

In this tab you can add, edit or delete e-mail addresses and phone numbers. To add an e-mail address, enter the name and e-mail address and then right click at the top to save. You can edit the entered e-mail address by clicking on the e-mail address and making the change. You can delete an e-mail address by deleting the e-mail address and name fields. You can perform the same actions for phone numbers.


In this last tab you can add, edit or delete the address of the player or staff member. To add the address, enter the street, house number, city and zip code and then press the top right to save. The entered address can be edited by clicking on the street, for example, and making the change. You can delete an address by deleting the fields.

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