How to login to ProSoccerData?

Updated by Amber De Smet

Logging into ProSoccerData is done using a unique e-mail address and a self-selected password.

After sending an invitation e-mail to a club member as an admin, the club member will be able to login as follows:

  • STEP 1: In the invitation e-mail, click on the activation link to confirm the e-mail address.
  • STEP 2: Fill in name & first name and choose a password. Then click on 'Create account'.
The password must have at least 8 characters, 1 number, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 special character. The password must not begin or end with a space.
  • STEP 3: Enter e-mail address and chosen password and click 'Login'. Then accept ProSoccerData's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
  • STEP 4: Login successful!

The club member can now login to ProSoccerData's mobile application using the same login details.

It is also possible to switch between 2 accounts (e.g. your account as coach at club X and your account as dad of a footballing son at club Y) on condition that the same e-mail address is linked to these 2 accounts.

A club member can always login in the following ways after accessing ProSoccerData:

  • Via the club platform URL (
    • If he has only 1 account on the club platform, he will be logged in automatically with this account.
    • If he has several accounts on the club platform, he will first have to specify which account he wishes to login with.

When a club member is logged in with an account and wishes to switch to one of his other accounts, he can simply click on his name at the top right and then select another account at the bottom.

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