Deleting data

Updated by Niels Mosselmans

GDPR law states that every user has the right to indicate that you no longer wish to keep their data, for example when they leave the organisation. As well as importing data, it is also very easy to remove data from the ProSoccerData platform. By using the tabs Players, Staff and Contact persons in the administration module you can delete this data. First click on the orange 'Edit' button and then on the red 'Delete' button in front of a player, staff member or contact person. As soon as you confirm this, the data of this person will no longer be saved.

Past evaluations & game reports remain available.
If players or staff members change clubs but do not ask for their data to be deleted, you can simply change their club. Their data will then remain in the platform. Players will appear under the filter 'Other club', while staff members will appear under 'Contact persons'.

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