
Updated by Niels Mosselmans

Through this tab you can find all information about your club's current license and about the possible upcoming license.

To access this page you must have the right 'Access to subscription & billing'.

Current license

Here you will see an overview of your club's current license with the following information:

  • Product: below you can see the package that your club currently has and also any additional modules

  • License duration: for how many years you have taken the license

  • Total monthly price: the total monthly price of your license

  • Start date: the date your license was started

  • Payment term: the license is paid annually

  • Next payment: the date when the next payment should be made (on this date you will also receive a notification at the top of the platform and you can pay this immediately online)

  • License expires on: the date the license expires
If the license has expired and no upcoming license is set, your platform will no longer be available!

By clicking on the yellow 'Upgrade' button, you can start modifying the current license. It is not possible to downgrade, only to upgrade. It is possible to switch to a higher package via the dropdown menu or to extend your license with an additional module by clicking on the green button 'Add to license' behind the desired additional module. You can always undo your choice by clicking the red cross behind an additional module.

If you have the Start package, it is not possible to add an additional module. You must have at least the Progress package for this.

By clicking 'Save' you will confirm your upgrade and be redirected to the payment page. After the payment has been successfully completed, your license will be upgraded to your choice immediately.

Once the payment is successfully completed, you cannot cancel the upgrade!

Upcoming license

Here you can renew your licence by clicking on the green button 'Renew licence'. By default, your licence will be renewed for 1 year with the same package and additional modules as your current licence.

If you still want to modify this, you can click on the yellow 'Edit' button. You can then choose an upcoming licence for 1, 3 or 5 years. Depending on the chosen duration, you will benefit from an additional discount on your licence.

If you wish to cancel the upcoming licence, you must click on the red button 'Cancel licence'. Then you will have to confirm this by typing 'CANCEL' in capital letters in the input field.

You can modify or cancel the upcoming licence until the start date of this licence.

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