
Updated by Niels Mosselmans

On this page you can find the team statistics for your team(s). On the top right you can select the team you want to see. You can also use the yellow filter if you want to see the statistics of the home or away games, a specific competition, a specific season or a certain period.

In the 2nd block you can see the game statistics of other players. These are all players who participated in games of the selected team, but are themselves linked to another team or play at another club (e.g. test players).

By clicking on the green 'Excel' button you can export an excel file with all the game statistics of the team. The statistics of the squad are shown in the first Excel sheet, the statistics of the other players can be viewed in the second Excel sheet.

By clicking on one of the column titles, you can see who scores best or worst on one of the titles.

In the 3rd and 4th block you can see the scored & conceded goals of the team. By using the quick search on the right you can search for a specific player, a specific way of scoring or a specific minute.

In the tab 'Training sessions' you get an overview of all the presences & absences at the training sessions of the selected team. Via the 'Filter' button you can filter on a certain period or type of training.

Under the training statistics you can find the details of the training sessions at team level. These graphs are based on the categories that you link to the exercises in the 'Training content' tab of the training sessions for that team. More information can be found here.

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