How to register an injury?
You can register an injury in the 'Injury history' tab of the player's file by clicking on the green 'Add' button. A pop-up will open where you can enter the details of the injury.

- Access for: who has access to this injury?
- Everybody = all staff members with the right 'Medical data access' on that team
- Doctor = all users with the right 'Set medical user profile' on doctor
- Doctor + Physiotherapist = all users with the right 'Set medical user profile' on doctor or physiotherapist
- Begin: when did the injury occur?
- Diagnose: choice between injury, problem or disease
- Zone: where exactly does the player suffer?
- Detail zone: any further details on the selected zone
- Side: on which side of the body is the injury?
- Specifications of the injury: clarification of the injury
- Remarks: any remarks about the injury
Information diagnose
- Injury fall back: yes or no? If yes, please enter the date of the first injury
- Cause: overload or acute? If acute see following points
- When did the injury occur: training, game or in private life
- Type of training/game: depending on the choice above, you will get different options here
- Player's position when injury occured: choose between goalkeeper, defender, midfielder or striker
- Type of surface: grass, synthetic or other
- Caused by a contact: no, yes with another player or yes with an object
- Action executed by the player: choice of several possibilities
- Foul committed prior to the injury: no, yes by an opponent, yes by the player himself
- Was the foul sanctioned with a card: no, yellow card or red card
- When is the player expected to be available again: enter date
- Effective end date: the date when the injury has healed completely
- Extra info: free text field to give more info on the prognosis.
After registering the injury, a new pop-up will open in which you can change the player's schedule. The coach of the player's team will also see this new schedule on his dashboard under the block 'Injuries'.