How to share exercises?
Through the Exercises you can share exercises, training sessions and tactics with other clubs or groups of clubs that also have a ProSoccerData platform. You can share this in the following ways:
- By clicking on an exercise via Exercises > Exercises and then on the blue button 'Share exercise'.
- By clicking on a training session via Exercises > Training sessions and then on the blue button 'Share training session'.
- By clicking on a tactic via Exercises > Tactics and then on the blue button 'Share tactic'.
In the popup that opens you can indicate with whom you want to share the exercise. This can be a club or a group of clubs. Enter the name of the club or club group and click the blue 'Share' button. The users with the right 'Manage shared items' of the club(s) you want to share the exercises with will be notified.

How to delete shared exercises?
You can delete shared exercises by using the red cross behind the club. When you delete shared exercise, the exercise will still be available to the club you are sharing it with if they have already accepted it. If they have not accepted the exercise, they will not be able to add it to their exercises. In both cases the exercise will get the status 'Deleted'.
You can also delete shared data at any time from the 'Send' tab in the Data Sharing module.