
Updated by Niels Mosselmans

Edit profile

Click here to edit the name and email address of your PSD account. If you change anything here, it will not be changed in the platform. This concerns the details of your central account.

Change password

Here you can change your password. First you need to enter your old password and then 2x the new password.

Password requirements:

  • Password must contain at least 8 characters
  • Password cannot start with a space
  • Password cannot end with a space
  • Password must contain at least 1 uppercase letter
  • Password must contain at least 1 lowercase letter
  • Password must contain at least 1 number
  • Password must contain at least 1 special character

Contact the administrator

Click here if you have a question for the administrator. Your name and e-mail address are already filled in so you can type your message right away. Then click the button at the top right to send the message.

About ProSoccerData

By clicking this, you will be redirected to ProSoccerData's website where you can find more information about our company.

Privacy policy

Click here if you want to know more about ProSoccerData's privacy policy.

Terms of use

Here you can read our terms of use.

Questions about this article? Send an e-mail to

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