Covid health survey
In the module Questionnaires there is a Covid health survey available. You can send this survey to the players by completing the following steps:
- Go to Questionnaires > Settings > Planning

- Click on the green 'Add' button
- Choose type 'Other' and questionnaire 'Covid health'
- Determine the target audience to whom you want to send the questionnaire. This can be a team or individual players.
- Choose the start & end date of the planning (the period between which the questionnaire will be sent out)
- Determine the frequency of the transmission (in this case daily)
- Choose the time when the questionnaire is sent to the chosen target audience

Overview answers
Via Questionnaires > Overview you can view the players' answers per day. It is also possible to get a PDF or PNG file of the completed survey via the module Reporting > Covid health survey.

At the bottom of the page on the right you can click on the download icon and then save the report as a PDF or PNG file.

For more info about the Reporting module click here.