Covid health survey

Updated by Niels Mosselmans

In the module Questionnaires there is a Covid health survey available. You can send this survey to the players by completing the following steps:

  1. Go to Questionnaires > Settings > Planning

  1. Click on the green 'Add' button
  2. Choose type 'Other' and questionnaire 'Covid health'
  3. Determine the target audience to whom you want to send the questionnaire. This can be a team or individual players.
  4. Choose the start & end date of the planning (the period between which the questionnaire will be sent out)
  5. Determine the frequency of the transmission (in this case daily)
  6. Choose the time when the questionnaire is sent to the chosen target audience
To receive the questionnaire, players must have an active account on ProSoccerData. Click here to see how to invite players to the club platform.

Overview answers

Via Questionnaires > Overview you can view the players' answers per day. It is also possible to get a PDF or PNG file of the completed survey via the module Reporting > Covid health survey.

At the bottom of the page on the right you can click on the download icon and then save the report as a PDF or PNG file.

For more info about the Reporting module click here.

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