My Club

Updated by Niels Mosselmans

Just like My Dashboard, you can also set up your My Club page according to your own preference via the pencil icon at the top right of your screen. This way, you can choose your favorite items to appear first (pinned widgets). Non-pinned widgets are automatically displayed below the pinned widgets. There exists both full-width widgets and half-width widgets. With the latter, you can choose to place 2 widgets side-by-side to save some screen space.

Available widgets

  • My calendar: an overview of the next 3 upcoming events (a training session, game, or activity).

  • My team: a list of all players & staff members linked to your team.

  • Past games: the results of the past 3 games of your team.

  • Standings: the table ranking of your team.

  • Upcoming event: the first upcoming event in your personal calendar.

  • Upcoming games: the upcoming games in your personal calendar.

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