
Updated by Amber De Smet

Integration SportsPay (only in Belgium)

ProSoccerData has an integration with SportsPay to simplify the complex matter of reimbursements for staff members, players and volunteers. Because of the integration, the administrative data entered in PSD can easily be taken over in SportsPay, i.e. data of players, data of staff members and activities. SportsPay then helps the club to assign the most optimal statute to each staff member.

Certain data are essential for a successful integration. Moreover, it is important to enter all data correctly, because if certain data is incorrect, no import will take place. You will always be informed if certain data is incorrect.

ProSoccerData is master of all the personal data of players and staff members and the data for activities. This means that you can only modify this data in ProSoccerData and not in SportsPay. Would you like to change bonuses, select expenses or other matters related to the financial management of the club? You will need to edit this kind of data in SportsPay.

Which information is needed for the integration?

  • Players (16 years or older):
    • National register number / BIS number (foreign players)
    • Address

  • Staff members:
    • National register number) / BIS number (foreign staff members)
    • Address
    • Function
    • Allowance on an annual basis

  • Activities:
    • Address of the club
    • Address at away matches
    • Presences

After you have entered all these data, you can start synchronising periodically in SportsPay!

Demo (NL)

Below you can watch a dutch-language demo on how to set up this integration. For more information about ProSoccerData, please send an e-mail to For more information regarding SportsPay, please send an e-mail to

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