Overview players

Updated by Niels Mosselmans

Create evaluation

Individual evaluation

You can create an individual evaluation for a player by clicking on the 'Add' button in the 'Individual' tab. A pop-up will open where you have to fill in the title of the evaluation, the date, the main type (player, goalkeeper, scouting), the type of evaluation, the team and the name of the player.

Once an evaluation has been created, you can click on the player's name in the overview and then on the green button 'Fill in evaluation' to fill in the evaluation as well. The skills marked with an asterisk are mandatory. In the overview the evaluations that have not yet been filled in are shown with a red background. The evaluations that have already been completed have a white background.

Group evaluation

Creating a group evaluation is done in the same way in the 'Group evaluation' tab, but at team level (or an evaluation of several players of your team).

In the Author field, make sure you add all staff members who are allowed to access this evaluation.


On the right-hand side of each evaluation you will see six different actions:

  • Edit evaluation: Modify the evaluation (title, date or author).

  • Fill in evaluation: Click on this button if you want to fill in the evaluation.

  • Print evaluation: Convert the evaluation into a pdf file so that it can be printed in a custom layout.

  • Copy: Copy the evaluation (to use the same evaluation at another time).

  • Share with: Share the evaluation with the player.
    • Button is white = evaluation is NOT shared with the player.
    • Button is green = evaluation is shared with the player.

  • Delete: Remove the evaluation from the platform.

When you share an evaluation with a player, he will be notified of this. The player can then also find the evaluation on his/her profile at any time.

Self evaluation

It is also possible to have players fill in a self-evaluation. Click here for more information.

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